The Strrangesdt Animal
          That Ever Lived

         You have probably seen many animals besides pets.
         The first on emay have been a Mouse. You have certainly seen rabbits and squirrels. If you live in the country, you may have met up with skunks, ground hogs, moles, opossums, badgers, chipmunks, raccons, foxes, and deer. At the zoo you can see strange animals from faraway lands: lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants, zebras, and giraffes.
           But none is as strange as the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were the strangest animals that ever lived.
            The word dinosaur ( die- no-sawr) means “terrible lizard.” Dinosaurs belonged to the family known as reptiles. Today snakes, lzards, and crocodiles belong to that same famly.
            A dinosaur’s blood was cold, except when his body was warmed by the sun. Baby dinasours were hatched from eggs.
            Millions of years ago, dinasours roamed everywere on earth. They had many shapes and sizes. Some were no bigger than rabbits. Others walked on their hind legs and stood as tall as palm trees. They had short arms whit long, courved claws.
            Some dinosaours were wery, very big. One kind weighed more than ten elephants. It had a long neckand a small head. Its tail was as long as a school bus. This giant animal waded along the edges of lakes and rivers, eating the soft plants in the water.
             One kind of dinosaur had short legs. It looked someting like an army tank. Two long horns stuck out from its head like macine guns. Over its neck way a bony shield.
             One of the most frightening dinasours had a row of pointed plates down middle of its back. Its tail was as long as a car, ending with four heavy spikes. Any animal that got hit by that tail would take off fast- if it could stil move.
             Another dinasours had a heavy shell, like a turtle. At the tip of tail was a great lump of bone. He could swing his tail like a war club.
             Some dinosaurs were slender and swift. They could run faster than a race horse. The very smallest dinasours hid among the rocks or in thick forsets, so they wouldn’t be eanten by the big dinasours.      

                                         Derleyen / Serap DURMUŞ